• "Weighed in 148 today wtffff so proud of myself for sticking to the meals and workouts thanks for making it so easy to follow!!!!"
  • "Hey girlie, just wanted to check in and say I'm so happy! This week I started my period, which really sucked because my energy levels were so low and my hunger level was so low as well, but I still managed to get through those workouts! I took my progress pictures and compared them to day one and WOW I'm shocked! My bloating went down a lot and my backrolls are finally going away slowly but surely! I stepped on the scale and I was so scared because last week I gained weight but I actually lost 2.6lbs. So I'm even more motivated to keep working hard."
  • "12th week - 254lbs to 225lbs now. It's been a long time coming!!! I'm so excited to see the progress I've made. I can't wait to get out of these 200 and I know I will for sure in the next 12 weeks!"
  • "But holy freaking shit how crazy is this?! This is maybe March to today. I just took this pic to show I have a lil baby arm muscle and I'm freaking mind blown over my gut. I LITERALLY can't even believe that was me on the left. Kind of disgusted I got to that point but so damn proud of myself for pushing past it and being here now."


These are some of the many life transforming stories of our clients. This is why we do what we do - we are here to help YOU change YOUR life!
With your Built Athletics Training Program, you can expect to have one-on-one personalized training, a fully customized diet plan, weekly check-ins, and a full suite of tools to help you reach your goals! 






  • Dana went form a VEGAN diet filled with "Vegan Alternatives" like vegan chicken to a diet filled with only vegan WHOLE foods. This is a 6 pound difference in only 7 weeks!


  • "I struggled with staying on track at first but was reminded that EVERY day you do what you're supposed to do to become another day closer to NEVER feeling unhappy with what you see in the mirror again". - Hannah